If You Had Chickenpox at Age 7 What Might Prevent You From Getting Chickenpox Again at Age 8


What is chickenpox?

Chickenpox is an infection that causes a skin rash. The disease is caused by a germ called varicella-zoster virus. (Chickenpox itself is also called varicella-zoster.) Near people will become the virus when they're immature if they haven't had a chickenpox vaccine.

A child with chickenpox can easily give the virus to other children. Chickenpox today is much less common because nearly children are vaccinated when they are young. Before the first vaccine against chickenpox was approved in the U.S. in 1995, near everyone got chickenpox. Very few had complications.

Once you've had chickenpox, you won't catch it again from another person. If you're not vaccinated, you tin can get chickenpox at whatsoever historic period. Adults who get chickenpox may get very sick, so information technology'due south ameliorate to accept chickenpox when you're a kid, or prevent getting it by being vaccinated.

How is chickenpox spread?

Children can go chickenpox at whatever age. After beingness exposed to chickenpox, your child may appear to be fine for one to 3 weeks before feeling sick. Children can spread the virus from ane solar day before they show signs of disease to virtually 5 days after a skin rash appears.

The virus is spread by:

  • Coming in contact with someone who has chickenpox.
  • Breathing air from an infected person who sneezes or coughs.
  • Coming in contact with fluids from an infected child'south eyes, nose or mouth.

What is the difference between smallpox and chickenpox?

Chickenpox and smallpox are both diseases that produce rashes on the skin, just they are different. For one matter, smallpox is a much more serious disease, causing severe illness and expiry. They are caused by different viruses.

While the 2 diseases both produce rashes, the rashes themselves develop at different times and the rashes expect different. Smallpox pustules expect the same as each other, while the chickenpox rash develops in waves. The individual spots don't expect the same and some form scabs while others are even so blistering.

There's another of import deviation. A massive global vaccination plan has eradicated (wiped out) smallpox.

Symptoms and Causes

What are the signs and symptoms of chickenpox?

Signs of chickenpox are easy to see. Healthcare providers often can await at a child's peel and know if he or she has chickenpox. Signs of chickenpox usually happen in the following order:

  • Fever.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Headache.
  • A stomachache that lasts for one or two days.
  • A peel rash that is very itchy and looks like many small blisters.
  • Bumps filled with a liquid that looks like milky h2o.
  • Scabs after the blisters pause.
  • Pare that looks blotchy.
  • Spots that fade away.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is chickenpox diagnosed?

Signs of chickenpox are like shooting fish in a barrel to see. Healthcare providers often tin can look at a child's skin and know if they have chickenpox.

Direction and Treatment

How tin can I assistance my child with chickenpox?

Make sure your child gets plenty of balance and fluids. Chickenpox will go away on its own in a calendar week or two. To aid your child experience less itchy, y'all can:

  • Printing a cool, moist rag on the rash.
  • Keep your child cool.
  • Encourage your child not to scratch. Trim their fingernails and so they can't scratch.
  • Put a lotion with antihistamines on the rash. These lotions are available at the drugstore. If yous don't know what to buy, inquire the pharmacist for help.
  • Give your child an over-the-counter (OTC) grade of antihistamine. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®) and cetirizine (Zyrtec®) are 2 examples of OTC antihistamines.
  • Give your child a cool bath or shower every solar day. You can also requite your child an oatmeal bath. When you're drying them off, don't rub with the towel. Pat your child dry.

Don't requite your child aspirin. Aspirin can harm children who have fevers. If your child needs a pain reliever, use acetaminophen (such as Tylenol®). If y'all're not sure what production to use, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist.

To prevent dehydration, give your child fluids. Common cold fluids and a soft bland diet will aid if they have mouth sores.

What if my babe gets chickenpox?

If your newborn baby (up to historic period 3 months) gets chickenpox, let your healthcare provider know right away. Chickenpox is more dangerous to newborns than to other salubrious people.

What complications are possible with chickenpox?

Complications from chickenpox are unlikely, just possible. They may include:

  • Bacterial infections of the skin, blood, and soft tissues.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Condign dehydrated.
  • Blood clotting or healing issues.
  • Liver bug.

Who is more likely to take complications from chickenpox?

Good for you people who get chickenpox don't usually accept complications. However, having a severe case of chickenpox could be more dangerous for very immature babies, teenagers, pregnant people and people with immunity issues, such as transplant patients. This grouping also includes people with cancer or HIV or people being treated with chemotherapy or steroids.

Can chickenpox exist fatal?

It's very unlikely that you will die from chickenpox. Most people recover without complications. However, people take died from chickenpox. In the U.S., that number has dropped to almost 20 people per year afterward mass vaccinations from some 100 deaths per year before vaccines were available. Hospitalizations decreased 84% from over ten,000 per twelvemonth.


Can my child get a shot to preclude chickenpox?

Yes, there's a vaccine for chickenpox. It'southward recommended, and then ask your healthcare provider almost the vaccine.

What should I know about the chickenpox vaccine?

2 doses are recommended. When your child is under the age of thirteen, they should get one dose betwixt the ages of 12 and15 months, and the second betwixt the ages of iv and six years.

If you're 13 or older and never got the vaccine, you lot should get two doses at to the lowest degree 28 days apart.

In that location is a vaccine that's only for chickenpox called Varivax®. There is another chosen ProQuad® that protects against measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV).

Vaccination is over 90% effective at preventing chickenpox.

Who shouldn't get the chickenpox vaccine?

There are people who shouldn't get the chickenpox vaccine. You shouldn't get the chickenpox vaccine if you:

  • Are allergic to the vaccine or to any role of the vaccine.
  • Are pregnant or recollect y'all might be meaning.
  • Have bug with your immune system.
  • Have tuberculosis.
  • Aren't feeling well. (Get the vaccine when yous feel better.)
  • Recently had a blood transfusion or any other live vaccines.

Talk with your healthcare provider about whether or not you should be vaccinated.

Outlook / Prognosis

Can adults get chickenpox?

When children get chickenpox, their bodies fight the illness by making a substance called antibodies. The antibodies fight the virus and assist the torso get well. These antibodies stay in your body throughout your life. If an adult comes in contact with the virus, the antibodies are in that location to fight the germ.

What are shingles?

In adults, the chickenpox virus (varicella zoster) tin get agile again. When that happens, it causes an illness caused shingles. People "catch" shingles from their own chickenpox virus. People who have shingles tin can spread chickenpox to people who oasis't had chickenpox. All the same, yous can't get shingles unless you've had chickenpox.

Shingles is as well called canker zoster, but it'southward not the same as genital canker. Like chickenpox, it looks like a rash made up of pocket-sized bumps. Shingles can be painful and can take a while to heal. It volition commonly go away on its own in a week or two. There are vaccines to prevent shingles. Talk to your healthcare provider to meet which one is correct for you.

Living With

When should you call your healthcare provider if your kid has chickenpox?

Call your healthcare provider if your child:

  • Is acting ill and has a astringent headache.
  • Has sores in their eyes.
  • Has sores that go bigger or have pus in them.
  • Has difficulty animate or is breathing very fast.

When tin can my child go back to school?

Your child can go dorsum to school about 7 to x days after the rash appears. You lot don't need to wait for the scabs to heal, but you do demand to expect until all the blisters have scabbed over. You're contagious while the blisters have fluid.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the three stages of chickenpox?

The three stages of chickenpox ordinarily refer to the way the rash looks. Stage ane is a blood-red and bumpy rash. Phase 2 is the fluid-filled blistered rash. Stage iii is when the blisters suspension and scab over.

Where does chickenpox usually start?

Yous usually start getting chickenpox on your face and torso (your chest and your back). From there, it spreads to the rest of your body.

Can I get chicken pox twice?

Information technology's rare for anyone to get chickenpox twice, but it can happen.

How many days does it take to recover from chickenpox?

Chickenpox ordinarily goes away later ten to xiv days.

A note from Cleveland Dispensary

Before the vaccine for chickenpox was developed, the infection caused deaths and hospitalizations. The available vaccine is over 90% constructive at preventing this once-common childhood illness. If you lot don't get chickenpox, you won't get shingles, a painful condition that happens because the virus that causes chickenpox stays in your torso long after the rash is gone. While there are home remedies to deal with chickenpox and shingles symptoms, vaccination makes that unnecessary.


Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/4017-chickenpox

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